Thursday, October 22, 2009

Poll: Americans' belief in global warming cools  | AP
The steepest drop occurred during the last year, as Congress and the Obama administration have taken steps to control heat-trapping emissions for the first time. The drop also was seen during a time of mounting scientific evidence of climate change — from melting ice caps to the world's oceans hitting the highest monthly recorded temperatures this summer.
Earlier polls, from different organizations, have not [?!] detected a growing skepticism about the science behind global warming.
[Hey, AP: Check out the polling results here.  Keep scrolling]

Since 1997, the percentage of Americans that believe the Earth is heating up has remained constant — at around 80 percent — in polling done by Jon Krosnick of Stanford University. Krosnick, who has been conducting surveys on attitudes about global warming since 1993 was surprised by the Pew results.

He described the decline in the Pew results as "implausible," saying there is nothing that could have caused it.
California Dreaming: Is Energy Efficiency Really That Easy? - Environmental Capital - WSJ
The answer? All of California’s policies to boost efficiency—from new standards, to higher electricity rates, to regulatory changes for utilities—explain less than one-quarter of the gap between California and the rest of the country.

The other three-quarters are best explained by factors such as a temperate climate (which requires less heating and cooling) and an industrial base that’s not very heavy on heavy industry.
Cap and Trade = Scam and Greed - Rhonda Keith
The House passed the bill in June, not because it's a good idea, but because the usual carrots and sticks were applied, and the big global warming scare is still functioning even though the climate has been cooling.

Hot or cold, Americans are going to pay and pay. The apparent point of all this is not really to clean up the air. The CO2 scare is bogus. The point is that a lot of people stand to make huge amounts of money without actually producing anything of value. And, of course, the goal is to turn over even more controls to the government.

There's still time to contact your Senators to tell them to say no to the energy bills. We can deal with the EPA regulations later.
[Why is our first family blatantly and publicly rejecting the dietary advice of our leading global warming fraud promoters?]
"There's nothing that the first family loves more than a good burger, right?" [Michelle] Obama said.
Flashback: UN says eat less meat to curb global warming | Environment | The Observer
Climate expert [Pachauri] urges radical shift in diet
Flashback: NASA climatologist James Hansen on climate change, coal, meat, the politicization of science and the information gap
Amid some commentary from the video’s producers, James Hansen endorses a break from fossil fuels – particularly coal – and a meat free diet to reduce human production of greenhouse gasses and mitigate climate change.

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