Energy bill exemplifies Washington elitism : Opinion : The Buffalo News
WASHINGTON — A big reason congressional Democrats are so blithely eager to push the 2009 version of President Bill Clinton’s carbon tax is that they never have to pay for gasoline.It's hard to tell who to trust | Ross L. Talbott -
Flunkies drive them everywhere in big cars leased at your expense. They get picked up and dropped off at airports, chauffeured to fund-raisers.
Unfortunately the human animal is tempted by power, wealth and other types of self-gratification. In fact the whole global warming fiasco is a blatant effort to control people and make money. The big controller is fear.MELANIE PHILLIPS: Fatuous, dangerous, utterly irresponsible - the Nutty professor who's distorting the truth about drugs | Mail Online
When England banned Al Gore's book because it had so many lies, you should have begun to question. Good science shows that CO2 increase follows a warming period rather than causes it. I'll bet you 10 carbon credits it's all a scam.
I suggest the book “Heaven and Earth,” by Ian Plimer of the University of Adelaide.
Just suppose the chief adviser on education, say, were to campaign against tuition fees; or the adviser on climate change were to attack the Government for reducing carbon emissions because the effects of global warming had been exaggerated.Hive Mind - Hive Mind – The luck of the Sapiens: the weird fortuitousness of global warming - True/Slant
They would be out on their ear - and the commentators now screaming about 'freedom of speech' would be the first to applaud.
In all the hullaballoo around global warming, there’s one oft-overlooked tidbit that warrants, at the very least, some philosophical contemplation. And that is the following: Were it not for all the fossil fuels we’ve burned, right about now we’d be headed into another Ice Age.
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