Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jeff Schweitzer: You Can't Say "Sorry" When Millions Die from Your Mistake
The collective opinions of thousands of professional meteorologists have been equated to nothing more valid than the uneducated opinion of a radio host. Such false equivalency is a sure sign we are in deep trouble.

I [begin] to wonder if the coordinated denial of climate change is a vast Christian conspiracy designed to hasten the End Times. Perhaps Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and Bachmann are the four horses of the Apocalypse. I guess that would make Dick Cheney the anti-Christ.
Marine Biologist and Former Clinton White House Science Advisor
December '08: Speaking of meteorologists: Cleveland-area TV meteorologists disagree with prevailing attitude about climate change
For starters, the drift away from global warming among TV weather forecasters is hardly limited to Cleveland.

"This is nationwide," said Stu Ostro, meteorologist and director of weather communications for the Weather Channel in Atlanta.

AMS chief Seitter agreed: "I've seen the trend, too," he said. "But I still don't understand why there would be more skepticism among the TV meteorologists than in the field overall -- but there is."

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