Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Greenpeace Chief Calls for Sustainable, Nuclear-Free Power Supply - Green Inc. Blog -
[If we let human rights activist Kumi Naidoo make hoax-based decisions about our power supplies, when will the blackouts start?] From there we have to move to implementation. On the energy side, that means winning the argument that we can have a clean, sustainable power supply if we embrace existing technologies like wind and solar power.
King Canute Rides Again!
Al Gore resurrected King Canute, not noticing he was a bag of bones and didn’t breathe too well.

Obama, who props him up with a stick, pretends the old guy is okay.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Quinnipiac poll: Obama now under 50% approval
...Obama has certainly started heading into some troubling territory, and if his numbers remain mired at this level, Democrats in Congress will have to worry whether Obama will hurt more than he will help in what will be a tough mid-term election.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 26% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. That matches the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President...
My Way News - California targets TVs to lower electricity demand
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - The most power-hungry television sets could soon be banned from store shelves in California as state energy regulators on Wednesday consider a first-in-the nation mandate intended to lower electricity demand.
Oops, I've warmed up the globe again - Opinion - Blogs - From the Editors chair - Largs & Millport Weekly News
IT would seem that I am not alone after all. More than half of the population believes, like me, that human beings are not to blame for global warming.
North-central China staggers under early snow; 40 die, 9,000 buildings collapse | ®
BEIJING — Unusually early snowstorms in north-central China have claimed 40 lives, collapsed thousands of buildings and destroyed almost 500,000 acres of winter crops, the Civil Affairs Ministry said Friday.
Poll Shows Democrats’ Popularity Slipping | Personal Liberty Digest
The poll also found that the vast majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction the country is heading as nine out of 10 consider the national economic conditions to be fair or poor. Nearly two-thirds describe their own finances that way, the highest number since the summer of 1992.
Ad campaign takes aim at climate change - The Globe and Mail
Friends of Science, a Calgary-based non-profit group, is running a national radio advertising campaign mocking the whole idea of climate change that has mainstream environmental groups miffed.
The American Spectator : Deflating Copenhagen
Us: I take global warming fear-mongering very seriously. There are two kinds of scientists supporting the notion that the world is getting warmer, that it will get a lot worse and it's all caused by industrial society. One kind is made up of scientists who genuinely believe that the readings of average ground level temperatures are a reliable guide for basing computer models. The other kind is made up of people on the payrolls of organizations dedicated to the politics of global warming. By politics I mean the belief that humans are ruining the planet and must be made to ratchet down their living standards and have a lot fewer children. But cheer up, I have some good climate news.

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