Wednesday, November 18, 2009

US evangelicals warm to climate change [junk] science in Capitol Hill campaign| Alarmist Suzanne Goldenberg | Environment |
Leading environmental scientists and evangelical Christians join forces to lobby senators in support of the climate bill
Other Republicans apparently are beyond redemption on the issue of climate change though. Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma has famously called global warming a "hoax".
Copenhagen activists' diary | Environment |
A calendar of actions during the Copenhagen conference
Big Government » Blog Archive » ‘The Light of Day’ Exposes the Green Movement’s Roots in Tyranny
This book, by emerging author James Byrd, paints a telling portrait of the true agenda of the Green Movement. It successfully exposes the underlying agenda of collective power in the hands of the State; at the expense of the individual.
Africa will not reveal its climate [hoax] compensation demands
For Africa, it has been a constant key issue to be compensated for the damage caused by global warming. However, how much cash Africa will demand from the rich world has so far been kept a secret.

"We have set a minimum beyond which we will not go... But I am not in a position to tell you what that minimum figure will be," Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi (photo above), who will represent Africa at the talks, says according to Reuters.
[Turning climate fraud into cold, hard cash]: Lithuanian quotas for sale
Lithuania expects to emit less carbon dioxide than earlier estimated during the 2008-2012 period and wants to sell 50 million tons of emission rights.

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