Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Faith Leaders Call for 11th Hour Rescue of Senate Climate Change [Fraud] Bill
Described as a "Climate Witness and Day for People of Conscience," Thursday's Washington event will feature presentations by religious dignitaries and public officials.
Green group releases Sen. Inhofe ‘trading card’ -
The National Wildlife Federation plans to distribute this satirical “limited-edition trading card” featuring GOP Sen. James Inhofe (Okla.) to attendees at this week’s Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee markup of the climate change bill.
Farmers have been told to go green or face the financial consequences - Times Online
In addition, Hilary Benn, the Rural Affairs Secretary, has made clear that he expects farmers to keep some land fallow to help to provide habitats for birds and small mammals such as voles and field mice.
Walking out on global warming | The Stump - -
Graham insists that the legislation is a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to not only reduce carbon dioxide pollution, but also wean the U.S. from its dangerous and costly dependence on foreign sources of fuel. "The green economy is coming," Graham said. "We can either follow or lead."
Liar, liar, your scheme's on fire | Herald Sun
So, what is the purpose of the CPRS other than to create a lucrative cash flow for the financial sector that will inevitably manipulate carbon trading?

Simple: the purpose is to allow the import of as many permits from developing countries as possible, until some time way beyond 2050 when those responsible for drafting the CPRS will be dead anyway.

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