Thursday, December 10, 2009

Michael J.W. Stickings: Sarah Palin and "Climategate" Propaganda
Among other idiotic things, she calls the CRU researchers "so-called climate change experts" (as if they're just a bunch of hacks); dismisses "the radical environmental movement" as some nefarious force behind "politicized" science; claims there is "no real consensus" among climate change researchers; suggests there are "strong doubts" among scientists regarding historical temperatures (implying there are similarly strong doubts regarding global warming generally); and refers to the supposed "agenda-driven policies" at Copenhagen (whatever that means).
Wishful thinking from alarmist Juliet Eilperin: she thinks it's already time for a "Climate-gate post-mortem"
At this point, many people may be wishing the controversy over the hacked e-mails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit would disappear. But now that the actual news has subsided, the inevitable public relations analysis has surfaced.
Soros pitches idea of $100 billion climate [swindle] fund | Grist
“Developed countries’ governments are laboring under the misapprehension that funding has to come from their national budgets, but that is not the case—they have it already,” Soros told journalists. “It is lying idle in their reserves accounts and in the vaults of the International Monetary Fund.”
Video: Inside the [brainwashed] youth movement at Copenhagen | Grist
So far this week, youth activists have put on at least a dozen media stunts, such as dressing as green-faced “aliens” and asking passers-by to take them to their climate leaders.
News Headlines - Soros: Climate financing dispute could wreck talks :
Yet industrialized countries thus far are talking only about a quick package _ three years of funding at $10 billion a year. Much of that would go toward training, planning and getting a fix on needs.

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