Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why Russia Doesn’t Care About Copenhagen » The Foundry
MOSCOW - The rest of the world’s passions may be boiling over in Copenhagen this week, but Russia is paying no attention.

There is an impression that the government and public opinion – quite in the classical liberal laissez faire spirit - share the conclusion that global warming has a moderate and non-unprecedented nature, its impact on human health and wildlife is largely positive and that carbon emissions are hardly the primary factor in climate shaping. Thus, it is not a crisis and there is no need to resort to massive cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
Spencer on solar geomagnetic to earth climate connections « Watts Up With That?
I calculate that this is a factor of 10 greater than the change in reflected sunlight that results from the 0.1% modulation of the total solar irradiance during the solar cycle.
The physics of [insanity]: Bill McKibben: Why politics-as-usual may mean the end of civilization | Grist
Any value for carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere greater than 350 parts per million is not compatible “with the planet on which civilization developed and to which life on earth is adapted.”
Bill Scher: Memo To Politico: "ClimateGate" Is A Flop
The "Climategate" cranks will surely be an annoyance throughout Copenhagen, but they have yet to become a substantive distraction. A better headline from Politico would have been: "Debunked Psuedo-Scandal Sputters Out At Copenhagen."
Scientists Help Ranchers Wrangle Carbon Emissions : NPR
As the world's climate negotiators meet in Copenhagen to discuss how to curb global warming, some people in Marin County, Calif., may already have a partial solution. They call it "carbon ranching."
That's where a carbon market comes in. If a climate law is passed, industries will be looking for ways to reduce their carbon "footprint." Paying farmers to soak up carbon in their pastures could be one way to do that.

As for the time and know-how, there's a new office in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington designed to create a market for exchanges like that. "The potential for landowners is huge" when it comes to carbon ranching, says Sally Collins, director of the new USDA Office of Ecosystem Services and Markets.
[We're saved!]: Whirlpool Corporation Takes a Leading Role in Copenhagen
In 2007 Whirlpool joined the Respect Table - a forum for corporate leaders to address common challenges and find common solutions for a more sustainable world.
The Great Climate-gate Debate at MIT | HUCE
[December 10, 2009 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm, with Richard Lindzen and Kerry Emanual] Come and listen to five experts give their views on what this really means for climate science, the integrity of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, public perception of climate, and the ongoing policy negotiations in the Congress and at Copenhagen.
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: The Not True Trick
Over at The Huffington Post, Stanford's Steve Schneider makes this remarkable claim:
The amazing scientific thing that nobody seems to be covering is that the "hockey stick" was never used as proof of anthropogenic global warming by IPCC
This statement is just not true (maybe that will help to explain why no one seems to be covering it).
If climate scientists want to regain lost credibility, and indeed not see it diminish further, they are going to have to stop playing the rest of us for fools. One way to do that is avoid saying things that are not true.

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