Thursday, January 21, 2010

Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change Collapsing? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
The nonbinding Copenhagen Accord was hastily cobbled together at President Barack Obama's insistence as the United Nations' Copenhagen climate change conference whimpered to its end in December. Under the Accord, countries are supposed to make their commitments to cut greenhouse gases official by January 31. It now appears that most countries will miss that deadline.
Kate Sheppard (kate_sheppard) on Twitter: [Barbara Boxer compares carbon dioxide to nicotine, lead, and asbestos]
Boxer: Murkowski is "picking a battle over a scientific fact."
Boxer: "We've never had a senator come down to the floor to overturn the opinion of the health community."
Boxer: What if Congress was doing this on nicotine, lead, asbestos?
Boxer up to rebut. Debating bill appropriate, but "inappropriate ... never been done before" to debate scientific finding of EPA
Hundreds of years after the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, how hot is it in Minnesota?  From page two of my hardcopy of "Minnesota Birding", January/February 2010 issue:
The cold weather in July coupled with either drought or too much rain caused exceptionally poor nesting success for Purple Martins around the state. Hypothermia and the lack of insects (food for nestlings) were considered major factors for the mortality.
Lennard Davis: Barack Obama's Professor Gives Him Mid-Term Grades
Cap-and-trade solutions to global warming were received as Chicken Little panicking about a made-up crisis. Each time Obama wrote his narrative, good words fell on bad ideology, and no germination could happen.

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