Die Klimazwiebel: Guest contribution from Reinhard Böhm, ZAMG, Vienna
“Faking versus adjusting” – why it is wise to sometimes hide “original” data by Reinhard Böhm (Vienna)India Retold: MR PACHAURI, THE MUCK IS IN YOUR FACE
Pachauri continues to maintain that he has not pocketed even a penny from his associations with a whole lot of companies and institutes. All the honoraria - and that has to be considerable - that he receives goes to TERI and "to its 'Light A Billion Lives' campaign for reaching solar power to people without electricity", he says. Sounds very noble and self-sacrificing. If indeed Pachauri has been and is giving away so much of his own money to a non-profit organisation for the good of India's poor, he should be proudly telling the whole world about it, disclosing the actual amount involved. Isn't his reticence odd, to say the least?EU Referendum: The agendas merge
Despite all that has happened in the last few months, and the very obvious signs of a change in public sentiment on "global warming", this pair [Cameron and Osborne] have not yet cottoned on to the fact that green taxes will be about as popular as a Moslem fundamentalist at a BNP meeting.Murkowski tries anew to block EPA regulators: Climate change | adn.com
Murkowski has the backing of 39 other senators, including three Democrats, but her move has prompted an aggressive response by the EPA and environmental groups. Two separate environmental coalitions launched a radio and television advertising campaign in Anchorage and Washington, D.C., focusing on the role two industry lobbyists had in writing Murkowski's original proposal last fall.
EPA administrator Lisa Jackson on Thursday urged senators to reject Murkowski's proposal, saying in a statement that it "put politics over science" and would require the EPA to ignore not only the Supreme Court's directive but "the evidence [what evidence, specifically?] before our own eyes."
"The Murkowski resolution asks each senator to deny the overwhelming science that greenhouse gas pollution is a real and serious threat to the health and welfare of our citizens,' she said. "And it would be a reversal of the formal recognition that both the Senate and the House have already made of the harmful effects of greenhouse gas pollution."
At its core, Jackson said, Murkowski's resolution "is not about preventing or postponing regulation, but about denying the established scientific fact that greenhouse gases threaten the health of our people."
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