Yet Another Mistake For UN IPCC!? Claims About Extinction 'confusing' -- IPCC Scientists 'acknowledge there was inconsistency and flawed writing' in extinction section | Climate Depot
'In the Summary for Policy Makers of the report on climate impacts, there are different summations of extinction risk within a few pages'Manatee count surges -
All previous estimates for Florida's manatee population are now out the window.Severe cold may have harmed shrimp, sea trout fisheries |
A team of 21 biologists from 10 organizations took to the air last Thursday and Friday. They counted 2,779 manatees on Florida's Atlantic Coast and 2,288 on the Gulf Coast, for a total of 5,067. Last year's record high was 3,807.
Next year's total could drop again, depending on how cold the winter turns out to be.
"We may not get weather like this again for 50 years," said Holly Edwards of the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg.
The number counted exceeds the number of manatees that Florida's remaining habitat is supposed to be able to support. A 2003 computer model produced for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found that the state could support at most 5,025 manatees, primarily based on the availability of power plants and springs that provide them a warm haven from cold weather.
The cold weather has taken a toll on salt water fisheries in Florida and may also have caused problems along the Georgia coast.Doubts on global warming theory The Post and Courier - Charleston SC newspaper
Widespread fish kills have been reported from both coasts of Florida, with snook, tarpon, bonefish and several other species of warm water species taking significant hits as water temperatures have plummeted to lethal levels.
A Stuart fishing guide had retrieved a "truck load" of dead tarpon, measuring from 3 to over 4 feet long, found floating near the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant.
Mr. Gore's arguments appear so sound, and the applauding cacophony from extremists, alarmists or those with agendas of some sort make the notion of accepting the theory that much more palatable. And I once bought into the whole thing myself.Writer says climate change a great threat | TriCities
But now I'm starting to have my doubts. There's a growing list of respected scholars and scientists who say the whole thing is nonsense and very much theoretical, that there have always been slowly evolving but dramatic temperature cycles over the eons, and that there's no really definitive evidence of CO2 or lack thereof accounting for such change.
Edward M. Gilbreth is a Charleston physician.
Many research groups – scientific and otherwise, and with no political ax to grind – have shown that unless we do something to stop global warming, the world as we know it will no longer exist. Droughts, floods, uncontrollable wildfires, spreading deserts, and rising sea levels threaten the lives millions of people.
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