Saturday, February 13, 2010

Growing uncertainty about Global Warming cause
You see how this works. A season of destructive hurricanes in the Western Atlantic -- the obvious result of mankind's insatiable addiction to CO2-producing fossil fuels. A global season of glacial cold -- that's just natural variability. The former is evidence of climate change. The latter is simply weather.
Did they pick Vancouver to “prove” global warming? « Don Surber
Records show in February the average high is 47, low 33. That’s pretty much what the forecast is.

Snow? It averages 19 inches a winter. That’s not an ideal location for a winter Olympics.
The host of the 1988 Winter Olympics, Calgary, averages 50 inches of snow a year and much colder temperatures.

Maybe the Olympics committee had a reason for selecting Vancouver over the much colder Pyeongchang, South Korea — a reason that had more to do with politicized politics than anything else.

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