Lord Smith warns climate change argument has been undermined by 'climategate' - Telegraph
Lord Smith was particularly concerned that the "consensus" built up in Britain, that is allowing agencies to build flood defences and other measures to fight climate change, will be lost.[Most massive swindle of all time: in developed countries, 2.5% of GDP annually?]: The Road to Mexico: Strategies and Vehicles for successful climate change negotiations 2010
"Gradually, the public here in the UK, and across much of Europe, had come to accept the reality and the urgency of climate change. There were still debates about what precisely to do to counter it, but at least the fundamental recognition was there. I think that is probably less true now than it was three months ago. And that is a tragedy. We need to take the argument back to the sceptics, and make the powerful, convincing and necessary case for climate change much clearer to everyone."
For example, recent OECD analysis found that, if the proper mix of policies and instruments to price carbon were used to reduce emissions by 20% in developed countries by 2020, this could raise revenues equivalent to as much as 2.5% of their GDP.Climate consensus under strain | Round table | Comment is free | The Guardian
We ask a range of experts [almost all of them alarmists]: what damage has been done by recent criticisms of climate science credibility?
George Monbiot
Tremendous damage is done
These scandals have done tremendous damage. This is not because they threaten the canon of climate science – that would require similar exposés of tens of thousands of scientific papers [which papers, specifically?] – but because they create an atmosphere of opacity and evasion.
[Vicky Pope] The key finding that "warming is unequivocal and very likely due to man's activities" remains robust. The basic physics tells us that increasing greenhouse gases cause global warming – and we are likely to pay a heavy price if we keep emitting them. [Can I see the calculations that allegedly support that last sentence?]
[Bjorn Lomborg] The evidence remains overwhelming [what evidence, specifically?] that global warming is real and man-made, but these events accentuate the point that some of the more spectacular alarmism is not well-founded.
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