Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lugar releases practical energy plan [not a lot of climate talk here]
As you know, I have long been concerned about America’s energy security, in particular our over-reliance on foreign oil.

Without aggressive action to decrease our long-term energy dependence on foreign sources, we are risking economic and security disasters, as well as even more severe trade imbalances and costs for consumers.
Actually, You Do Need a Weatherman | Mother Jones
Why don’t TV weather forecasters believe in climate change?
But here’s the more concerning data from the new poll: the vast majority of the public relies on these men and women for their climate-related information. The poll notes that "the public has identified weathercasters as one of the sources they most trust for information about global warming." Indeed, a separate study from George Mason and Yale found that 56 percent of Americans trust weather forecasters to give them information about global warming more than any other source.
Would a Gas Tax Work? | Mother Jones
The linked fee would be an additional price added to fuels to pay for the carbon cost. It could be 25 cents, or it could be $4, if we wanted to be more like, say, Europe. The fee would be tied to the price of pollution permits in the greater carbon market. Oil companies like BP and ConocoPhillips favor the approach (which they suggested it last year) because it frees them from the complex cap and trade program and instead puts the burden of reducing oil use on consumers. Oil-friendly senators like it too. And a lot of environmental groups say they're open to it as well.

"We generally like the idea of having a gas tax," said Kate McMahon, an energy policy campaigner at Friends of the Earth. "But it has to be really big ... I don't see Congress putting 50 percent tax on gasoline. That’s what we would need in terms of a price signal."
C3: AGW Severe Weather Prediction Wrong: China Hail Storm Frequency Declines During Global Warming
Al Gore, James Hansen and other warming publicity seekers like to state that global warming causes more severe weather incidents. Unfortunately for the alarmists, their claims have been proven wrong by the empirical evidence, continuously. Add China to the list, now. Researchers discover hail storms happened less frequently concurrent with global warming increase.
EU Referendum: Perpetual motion
...But do they even consider the root cause of much of this "fuel poverty" – the fact that we have another part of the government making energy more expensive? Er ... Nooooooo. So the bureaucratic machine grinds on, the nearest thing to perpetual motion every invented, extracting more and more money from us while we get poorer and poorer – and not just "fuel poverty".


10ksnooker said...

Energy independence ... What a laugher. According to the EIA the USA has the largest fossil fuel reserves of any country om Earth.

The USA has the best nuclear power technology in the world.

When will the Democrats stop the lies about the energy independence hoax.

susan said...

Senator Lugar joined the Chicago Climate Exchange in 2006 when he enrolled his farm in its carbon offsets program. He is a phony and spouts the same crap Al Gore does. Does Lugar know his CCX was delisted by HSBC Bank Climate Index for poor performance? Lugar we have the internet today, we know what you are doing. You are another guy who has been there too long.