Friday, March 19, 2010

Princeton Alumni Weekly: Temperatures rising
In an interview last year with The Daily Princetonian, Happer characterized hostility toward climate skeptics in harsh terms. “This is George Orwell,” he said. “This is ‘the Germans are the master race. The Jews are the scum of the earth.’ It’s that kind of propaganda.” In an e-mail following an interview for this article, he warns against “the capture of U.S. society” by a “scientific-technological elite.”
#22) ED BEGLEY, JR. INTERVIEW: A Voice for the Planet | The Benshi
RO: Am I the only one that sent you an email saying that I thought it was awesome what you did?!

EB: There were maybe 5 people total in three days, three by email and two phone calls, versus hate mails coming in at a rate of 50 an hour for a couple days. And so then you start to think, “I know climate change is real, but maybe I am an a$$hole?!”

I should’ve just been quiet. “Lets agree to disagree and let’s get some light bulbs.” This is the interesting thing, the biggest point the angry emails were making was, “How dare you go there to talk about climate change? Who the f*ck are you any way?” And my response was, ‘I didn’t go on there to talk about climate change, I came in there to talk about a light bulb giveaway program!’”
...let me just make my point, stick only with reputable scientific or nature magazines, things like National Geographic and the website Real Climate.
ClimateGate Goes Back to 1980
Those of you who still believe that the ClimateGate scandal was just a bunch of emails in England should read this article. James Hansen of GISS appears to have systematically adjusted the historical temperature record to remove a cold patch in the ’70s in order to exaggerate the rise since. The amount of change of 0.6 degrees is for one decade is close to the measured change for the whole century. This is vividly seen in these three snapshots of his data being modified:
Embracing the Anthropocene § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
The Earth has entered a new geological period in which human influence dominates the state of the planet, compounding uncertainty about the future.

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