Friday, March 05, 2010

Richard Littlemore | Canabalizing Environmentalism: Tzeporah Berman under attack
Stainsby was all fired up, questioning Berman's environmental bona fides and calling her "a Trojan horse" whose true purpose was to "hand all power over to corporations." As proof, Stainsby said that "Ms. Berman actually gave an award to (BC Premier) Gordon Campbell at the Copenhagen talks. While hundreds of thousands of people were in the streets being tear-gassed and arrested, she was on the other side of the picket line giving an award over on the basis of the carbon tax."
EU Referendum: Farting cows online
Having toiled hard and diligently, our man now takes a little time out for some modelling, buying up a 1999-2004 package on "UK Pollution climate modelling" (AQ01510) for £1,224,641, a 1998-2001 package on "Pollution climate modelling" (AQ02501) for £127,549, a 2004-2009 "UK Pollution Climate Modelling" (AQ0622) package for £2,550,258 and one covering 2007-11 entitled "Modelling tropospheric ozone - phase II" (AQ0704), for a mere £1,009,291. That adds £4,911,739 to the shopping basket, bringing it to £12,039,277.

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