Monday, March 01, 2010

'Tofu free Tuesday' makes more sense than 'Meat free Monday' | CLIMATEGATE
When you deprive yourself of something for no good reason, it’s called religion. No problem with that, just don’t call it science or pretend it makes a difference to anything but your ego.
Climate [scam promotion], Sorry Day in curriculum overhaul | The Australian
SCHOOL children will learn about climate change and Sorry Day under the Federal Government's draft national curriculum.
Climate Activist: AGW Campaigners “Complicit” in Political “Deceit”? « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
And so, looking back on Copenhagen, I have to ask: who were all those banners, posters, photo exhibits, polar bears, melting ice statues, video installations really talking to? Did they persuade the doubting heartlands that this was their issue, or did they reinforce the widespread suspicion that this is an inward looking and irrelevant faith? And why are we too absorbed by the pilgrimage to ever ask this question?

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