Saturday, April 03, 2010

Europe – Balkans and Former Yugoslavia « Musings from the Chiefio
There is not a lot in common in these records other than a lot of dropping of temperatures over a long period of time as CO2 levels rose dramatically. Then the 1991 or so “bullseye” change of process and “presto!” instant Global Warming! Except in those places dropped from the record and in those that kept on dropping.

I’d bet that either not much is happening at all and it is just an artifact of bad measurement technique, or that there is a very shallow cooling trend and some incredibly bad change of process made in 1990. In no case would I bet on CO2 as having any relationship at all. A correlation plot of CO2 percent with temperature will have a negative correlation over the bulk of all time in the graphs, and then a non-correlation with the astounding hockey stick in the last 20 years as the rates are too divergent.

Substantially, we are “Dancing in the error bands” of our processes. Nothing more.

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