Tuesday, May 18, 2010

EU Referendum: Trouble in the wind
Away from the likes of Chris Huhne and his mad vision of a land covered with wind turbines, the real world is beginning to intrude.

According to the independent business intelligence service Wind Energy Update, wind turbine operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are increasing sharply, rising to two or three times more than first projected and causing a 21 percent decrease in returns on investments.
Climate change to increase weeds… no, wait… | Australian Climate Madness
More weeds, same weeds, fewer weeds, different weeds. Who cares? As long as we can write mind-numbing stories about "climate change" to keep our editors happy.
BBC News - 'Climate change' danger to salmon and trout in Wye
"Paradoxically since this research, a series of wet summers have brought improvements to (Wye and Usk) juvenile salmonids densities but not universally as would be expected if climate change were the prevailing factor."
AMERICAblog Gay: TAKE ACTION: Obama appoints self-proclaimed 'proud homophobe', who refers to gays as 'sodomites', and denies climate change, to fix oil spill
Nice guy for the Obama administration to be calling one of our best scientific minds - a climate change denying kook. I'm sure the oil companies are thrilled that the President is elevating this man in the public eye.

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