Wednesday, May 05, 2010

[Large dams built by beavers: They prevent global warming!] | Mail Online
'Their dams are also good because they slow the flow of water leading to less drought and less flooding.

'And when plant matters dies in water it turns to peat and that is one of the best ways for storing CO2.'
[Flashback: Large dams built by humans: They cause global warming!]
WASHINGTON - Dams and their reservoirs are significant sources of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, contrary to hydropower industry assertions, environmentalists said Tuesday.

Industry groups have described dams as "climate-friendly" because they are unlike coal-powered energy plants, which emit large amounts of the air pollutants that most scientists believe cause global warming.

However, a growing body of scientific evidence refutes those assertions, said the International Rivers Network (IRN), a U.S.-based anti-dam group, in its report, "Flooding the Land, Warming the Earth."

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