Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eighteen years after Al Gore declared the debate over, IPCC head Pachauri says it's not

BBC News - Dr R K Pachauri - Restating the IPCC's reason for being
I would like to start by saying that I am not deaf to those who do not agree with the scientific consensus on man-made climate change.

Nor, indeed, to those who do not agree with the findings - or, in some cases, the existence - of the IPCC.
We who are on the side of the consensus must remind ourselves that the evolution of knowledge thrives on debate.

The last year has been a momentous one indeed for the IPCC and climate science, and not always for the most welcome of reasons. The discovery of a mistake in our AR4 report - even as we prepared to start work on AR5 - led to considerable controversy.
Most of the literature we assess is peer-reviewed.
The IPCC and the scientific community at large should welcome the development of a vigorous debate on the science of climate change (so long as the level of that debate does not descend to personal abuse, as it has done at times).
Flashback: They call this a consensus?
"Only an insignificant fraction of scientists deny the global warming crisis. The time for debate is over. The science is settled."

So said Al Gore ... in 1992.

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