Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ezra Klein - Wonkbook: Obama might push carbon price
Obama will try to reinvigorate a climate bill in his address tonight, reports Mike Allen: Obama plans to include a call for an energy bill in his Oval Office address about the Gulf on Tuesday night. And the Obama administration has told key senators that 'an energy deal must include some serious effort to price carbon as a way to slow climate change,' according to a Senate Democratic leadership aide."

And Obama's top pollster is circulating a memo to lawmakers arguing that a big energy bill makes good political sense. But the memo never mentions "global warming" or "climate change," so it's clear those word don't make good political sense. Read it: http://politi.co/aKhagF
Eric Bibler to The Grassroots: Go for the Jugular, Windpower Simply Does Not Work — MasterResource
In my view, not focusing on the fundamental question of whether wind energy actually holds any promise as a solution to our energy and environmental problems is a terrible mistake for the simple reason that adopting such a “pragmatic” course makes us co-conspirators in the process of enabling a Big Lie.
The Climate Sceptics Party Blog (AEC Registered): Anthony Watts - 18 city tour of Australia
The "Watts up with the Climate" tour has kicked off at two meetings in Sydney and Townsville and is creating much interest as Anthony Watts also checks out the local weather stations in each city he visits.

His results show that in approx 90% of cases, the weather recording stations are not being placed to the expected requirements and in fact most are likely to show a warming bias in recent years because they get moved or incinerators, air conditioners, concrete, bitumen and other warming factors crowd in on them. Australian Stations like Sydney and Melbourne are no exceptions.
WUWT Arctic Sea Ice News #9 | Watts Up With That?
My analysis indicates the highest late summer extent since 2006.

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