Friday, July 09, 2010

In the past decade — extreme weather deaths outnumbered war casualties
Okay, first off: the “weather” is not the “climate.”  [So how many people were killed by "climate"?]
Our climate is changing. And yes, weather is also something which warrants worry: In the last ten years, there have been more Americans who died from extreme weather than U.S. soldiers who died in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars combined. According to the National Weather Service, during the last decade 5,754 people have died due to weather events such as extreme temperatures, flooding and hurricanes. Compare that death toll with the 5,521 soldiers killed in the two wars we’ve waged since 2001.
Bay area could see more cases of mosquito-borne diseases
The cold winter, especially in North Florida, may be responsible for the southern shift of the virus, Day said.

Cold weather – 80 days when the temperature didn't reach 60 degrees – kept mosquitoes from flying, and winter migrating birds that carry the disease from Caribbean islands and Central and South America spent more time in southern Florida, Day said.
So now we can't ever enjoy Peep Show again. Thanks, David 'No but seriously, folks' Mitchell – Telegraph Blogs
I once met Thom Yorke. I’ve never been able to enjoy Radiohead albums quite as much since.

After this video on the theme of “Why climate change is serious and important, and I should know because I’m a leftie comedian and all my friends are Guardian readers” I fear something similar is now going to happen to the entire oeuvre of David Mitchell. (Hat tip: Guy Walters)
NC Media Watch: Mother Natures is turning down the global thermostat
Joe Bastardi writing on his European Blog:

"Think the markets are in the tank? Wait till you global temperature watchers get a load of what is coming."

Using NOAA own data Joe points to some significant cooling. In the graphic below the blue represents cold and the tannish to orange colors warm... "
Feedbacks, feedbacks, feedbacks: A new hole in the IPCC climate models
The whole Warmist scare is based on feedbacks that supposedly will AMPLIFY the trivial warming we saw in the 20th century. The feedbacks proposed are little better than guesswork and are in any case just a cherrypick of possible feedbacks. The research below looks at an unmentioned feedback: A vegetation-climate feedback. And guess what? Including that feedback REDUCES the predicted temperature rise
Heatwave In Philadelphia | Watts Up With That?
July, 2010 has been very hot in Philadelphia so far. Just as hot as it was 180 years ago – during the Little Ice Age when CO2 levels were 280 ppm.
Remember that panic-inducing IPCC global warming report? Well, forget it. | Liberal Media Bias Exposed by
Have at it, global warming lunatics. Remind us again how your cause is just and how you’re doing it for the children.

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