Monday, August 23, 2010

Rajendra Pachauri: Voodoo Scientist and Lone Ranger of Love? - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest
Rajendra Pachauri, the formerly outspoken head of the IPCC, was yanked firmly off the global stage last January after his blustering and insulting attacks on well-founded criticisms of exaggerations and false predictions in the UN’s high profile climate report turned him into an embarrassing liability to the global environmental movement.
The intellectual vapidity and narcissistic self satisfaction of [Pachauri's] book is unsurpassable.
The most troubling possibility, however, is that Pachauri doesn’t criticize or undercut Sanjay in the novel because he doesn’t recognize Sanjay for what he is.  Some reviewers have spoken of Sanjay as an idealized version of Pachauri: this is Rajendra Pachauri as he would like to be and Rajendra Pachauri’s Sanjay is his portrait of a hero.

This is a truly chilling thought — that the leadership of the global environmental movement might have accepted someone whose ideas and culture are this vapid and banal into its leadership.  Putting on a tin hat and telling a guru on a one-to-ten scale how close to the divine you feel is, literally, voodoo science and neither Sanjay nor the narrator seem to grasp the difference between tinfoil hats and the real thing.  Greens should be deeply, deeply grateful that Pachauri’s novel has stayed off the shelves in the US.
Fire & Ice: Black Carbon vs Sulfate | The Resilient Earth
Far from preserving nature and helping humanity, climate change activism has had the opposite effect. In their bullheaded insistence on demonizing CO2, mainstream climate science has sorely damage the pursuit of reasonable and rational environment policy. Lying about global warming is no way to save the world.

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