Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Reference Frame: Should journalists second guess the scientific truth?
For example, the average journalist's IQ is around 112, above the average person's IQ near 100.

However, the average reader's IQ is close to 112, too: less intelligent people can't read or don't read too much. So a journalist can't pretend that he is intellectually superior in comparison with the readers or viewers.
A documentary which recently premiered at the Toronto Film Festival, Windfall, examines a small farming community in New York that "finds that wind energy may be nothing more than hot air" when the massive wind industry comes to town. The trailer below is a must see, and explains why Ted Kennedy didn't want offshore wind turbines obstructing his views on Cape Cod, but advocated for them near the "little people" such as in this documentary. Think about the 146,000,000 wind turbines required to allegedly solve global warming the next time you vote for a 'green' politician.
The Thanet wind farm will milk us of billions - Telegraph
A final claim for the Thanet wind farm (which Mr Huhne boasts is "only the beginning") is that it will create "green jobs" – although the developers say that only 21 of these will be permanent. These are thus costing, in "green subsidies" alone, £3 million per job per year, or £57 million for each job over the next 20 years. The Government gaily prattles about how it wants to create "400,000 green jobs", which on this basis would eventually cost us £22.8 trillion, or 17 times the entire annual output of the UK economy.

If all this sounds dizzyingly surreal, the fact remains that we must begin to grasp just what the green fantasies of Mr Huhne, the EU and the rest are costing us. Even the Queen, we learn, tried to claim a "fuel poverty" allowance for her soaring electricity bills, which have risen 50 per cent in the past year. But a crucial first step towards getting some grip on reality must be for those who report on these wind farms to stop hiding away the colossal price we are all now having to pay for one of the greatest scams of our age.

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