Friday, September 10, 2010

Ryanair boss: AGW is "horse shit" | Australian Climate Madness
Fantastic stuff from the colourful Ryanair chief, Michael O'Leary (with a few of the asterisks filled in)
More wind turbines needed to meet climate change target - Telegraph
However the CCC did advise the Government to reduce the current target to source 10 per cent of renewable energy for surface transport like cars from biofuels by 2020. Lord Turner said that the current target could cause food shortages and deforestation around the world as growing biofuels takes land away from other crops.
Wong’s world over-heated | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Penny Wong’s style of earnest fervor - if I can put it that way - has petered out into exhaustion on all sides
Debate set over global warming ballot initiative - San Jose Mercury News
SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Advocates on both sides of an initiative that seeks to suspend California's greenhouse gas emissions law will face off in a debate next Wednesday before the Sacramento Press Club.

Republican state Assemblyman Dan Logue of Marysville supports Proposition 23 on the November ballot. It would suspend the 2006 law until the state's unemployment rate drops to 5.5 percent or less for four consecutive quarters.

Logue will debate San Francisco investment banker Thomas Steyer, the primary funder of the opposition. Earlier this week, Steyer challenged the CEO of Valero Energy Corp. to debate the initiative.
How to Trade November 2010 Elections
You can count on subsidies for alternative energy to get axed as unaffordable luxuries, which have created 500,000 jobs in California alone in the past two years. After all, global warming is nothing more than a leftist hoax, right? The good news is that the higher oil prices Republican policies are guaranteed to bring means that green companies of every stripe will become profitable in their own right, making subsidies unnecessary.

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