Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Crabs killed by record cold temperatures died because "climate change and warmer weather has lured the crabs towards the shoreline"?

Dead birds, dead fish, now 40,000 dead ‘devil’ crabs in Britain (video) - National US Headlines |
Experts believe the crab deaths and the New Zealand fish found dead in New Zealand's Chesapeake Bay are due to nothing more than record cold temperatures.

“We suspect that climate change and warmer weather has lured the crabs towards the shoreline,” said Coastal Warden Tony Sykes.


BenV said...

At least MSNBC is showing some sense on this story by quoting that the crabs normally move closer to shore at this time of year to feed on seaweed.

Anonymous said...

Its interesting that Climate Change lured the crabs to shore.

It wasn't food or warm water or tourists or sea currents or stuff. The lure of Climate Change was too great and they all went to shore to check it out.

Anonymous said...

“We suspect that climate change and warmer weather has lured the crabs towards the shoreline,”

This nonsense has been ripped to shreds here.