Wednesday, March 09, 2011

150 people attend carbon dioxide hoax conference at St. Kitts Marriott; they're told that "the lives of billions of people depend on your success"

ZIZ - National Broadcasting Corporation of St. Kitts & Nevis
Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 08, 2011 (SKNIS): Deputy Prime Minister Honourable Sam Condor expressed pleasure with the turnout for the Caribbean Conference on Climate Change and Ethical Principles, which got underway on Monday (March 08) at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort, and said it, sent a strong message.

“May I say how very pleased I am to note the mix of expertise from across a wide range of related fields of endeavour; from distances near and far, who have converged here … for this most important meeting,” Minister Condor stated, as he addressed an estimated 150 persons at the opening ceremony.
Deputy Prime Minister Condor noted the complexity of issues related to climate change and highlighted a startling fact – “there are more environmental refugees now, than there are war refugees.”
The lives of billions of people depend on your success. History will record our deliberations and future generations will judge us,” Minister Condor said, while expressing confidence in the ability of the estimated 80 delegates, who are deliberating on the issues. “We will not be forgiven by our children and grand children if we fail.”

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