Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Benny Peiser: Climate Fatigue Leaves Global Warming In The Cold
The global warming hysteria is well and truly over. How do we know? Because all the relevant indicators – polls, news coverage, government u-turns and a manifest lack of interest among policy makers – show a steep and deepening decline in public concern about climate change.
World Climate Report » Global Greening Continues: Did We Cause It?
OK. The earth warmed over the past 30 years. We agree (although that has largely slowed down or even stopped in the past 10 years). Atmospheric CO2 has increased. We agree. The rise in CO2 caused the warming—not according to Lo and Hsu. The warming caused vegetation in the Northern Hemisphere to thrive—Liu et al. think so.

You get the message—warming and elevated CO2 are not combining to destroy the planet’s vegetation. Quite to the contrary, they may be a blessing!
The Reference Frame: Australian carbon tax
Australian prime minister Ms Julia Gillard suffers from a Messiah complex. She decided to impose an insane carbon tax on the economy of the most compact continent. Fortunately, today, she suffered a serious setback when the PC turned against her.

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