Wednesday, March 23, 2011

British Columbia Survives 3 Years and $848 Million Worth of Carbon Taxes -
All of the C$848 million raised by the tax since 2008 has been returned to corporations and British Columbia residents via cuts to corporate and individual income tax rates. The idea is to make the tax revenue-neutral for the government and innocuous to the economy overall, while forcing industries and consumers using the most fossil fuels to reduce emissions by, say, buying electric cars or updating boilers.

How much of that is happening is a matter of debate.
The idea could become more appealing, Rabe said, if it were sold as a source of new funds for cash-strapped states without the word "carbon" tied to it.
Sea Ice Survey Explorers [Experience the Unfrozen Arctic] |
The Catlin Arctic Survey can confirm that its team of four explorers completed the first phase of their expedition late on Tuesday when they arrived at the Catlin Ice Base on the floating sea ice of the Arctic Ocean. The team has faced arduous conditions on their 77 mile route as fierce cold, strong winds and snowstorms battered the region. Their trek across the Prince Gustaf Adolf Sea took 10 days in temperatures dipping as low as -42C.
“It was pretty tough going. The hardest thing for us was surviving the worst of the weather. You know it's brutal when you are glad it's only minus 30 Celsius. Even then, as it ‘warmed' we then experienced snowstorms and high winds.”

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