Saturday, March 19, 2011

Climate Change Snow slowly building on Mount Kilimanjaro -
TANZANIA, Africa (eTN) - Standing as the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro is slowly regaining its snow after several years of drought in East Africa and the effects of climate change in African continent.
The Reference Frame: Are earthquakes caused by man-made carbon dioxide?
The main format of the argument is "A is caused by B which is caused by C which is caused by D ... which is caused by Z." Except that all these 25 causal relationships are weak or non-existent, some of them have a wrong sign, and by multiplying 25 similarly low correlation coefficients, you get a correlation coefficient that can't possibly be distinguished from zero.
All must rise | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The bottom line must be that everything made with electricity or transported with petrol must be more expensive under Julia Gillard’s plans:

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