Monday, March 14, 2011

Climate Common Sense: With God on Our Side!
Catholic Archbishop Pell has large cojones and serves it up to the Warmists in no uncertain fashion as he comes out swinging in the Global Warming debate. While he is not claiming "infallibility" he is making a lot of sense. It is gratifying to see such a public figure take part while so many prominent sceptics don't have the courage to speak out.
American Thinker: Solving US Energy Problems
David Pimentel, Cornell University professor emeritus, states that corn requires 29% more energy than the fuel produces, switchgrass requires 45% more energy than the fuel produces, and wood biomass requires 57% more energy than the fuel produces. In other words, Professor Pimentel finds that the biofuel industry wastes more energy than it produces.

A gallon of ethanol contains only 61% of the energy of a gallon of gasoline. No wonder it gets such poor mileage. With ethanol, engines run hotter and rubber is eaten away. An ethanol flame is almost invisible and requires entirely different fire-fighting techniques than gasoline. Transportation, logistics and safety issues require a separate infrastructure to be built for ethanol than for gasoline.

In short, biofuel is a loser. It is not "clean" as claimed.
Twitter / CatlinArcticSurvey: [Warmists in the Arctic]
Scientists and staff in great spirits, enjoying their newly set-up ice base. Chilly -39 degrees C made for exciting first night "sleep".

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