Thursday, March 24, 2011

Piers Challenges CO2-Warmist "Religion” to come up with evidence at ‘Climate Week’ meeting held in Imperial College | Climate Realists
"The fact is that there is no evidence in thousands or millions of years of data that CO2 changes drive any changes in climate and therefore it seems this is more like a religious meeting..."
We are being deceived « JoNova
My speech at the Anti-tax Carbon rally, Wednesday March 23rd.
Global Warming Is Creating Perfect Crop Conditions - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes
The news media are flush with stories this week claiming global warming is crushing global crop production. According to the media, global warming is putting the hurt on two of our favorite indulgences – coffee and beer. For the more globally conscious (or less caffeinated/less inebriated) among us, the media are also focusing attention on an alleged African corn crisis. A look at facts rather than alarmist speculation, however, shows global warming is strongly benefiting nearly all global crops, including coffee, beer barley, and African corn.
Al Fin: The Ghost Country that Poisons the World
The amount of toxins that China dumps into its water, soil, and air, is astounding. If China were only poisoning herself -- in the frantic attempt to over-build its ghost infrastructure to nowhere -- the rest of the world could only look on in horror. But since the effects of Ghost China's poisonous activity oozes out to affect many other nations, we need to take a closer look.

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