Friday, April 29, 2011

Warmist Christopher Mims: "From a near-term perspective, climate change is the least good reason to get off of fossil fuels."

Awesome video shows us what the messaging on climate and clean energy must become | Grist
Holy hickory-smoked pole beans, did you just see that? That's what happens when the messaging on climate shifts from scare tactics -- which studies show only work on about 10 percent of the population -- to a totally honest, positive but not Pollyanna-ish attempt to get people excited about real change.

Carbon Nation is the logical next step after An Inconvenient Truth: We know there's a problem; now, how do we get everyone to do something about it?

Carbon Nation also, not incidentally, sidesteps the issue of whether or not you believe in climate change. I don't think it's ever a good idea to stop talking about the insane, dinosaur-extinction level of change that is coming at us like a freight train on account of all the greenhouse gases we already pumped into the atmosphere, but the fact remains: From a near-term perspective, climate change is the least good reason to get off of fossil fuels.

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