Monday, June 27, 2011

Hmm: Why does the Pentagon need a climate change hoax consultant who suggests that the Tea Party is powered by bullsh*t?

TVA says power grid not fragile, despite storms -
David Orr, an environmentalist and Pentagon climate change consultant who spoke in Chattanooga just after the tornadoes, said terrorism and climate change are dictating new needs for energy policy.
Climate Change and National Security discussion at Union Station - Kansas City kansas city |
During the conference, Colonel Mark “Puck” Mykleby from the Pentagon, and David Orr, professor of Environmental Studies and the Oberlin Project, discussed in detail the National Security and Climate Change for the 21st-Century.
Orr, who has authored many books such as Earth in Mind and Ecological Literacy, spoke primarily on the Oberlin Project sponsored by the Oberlin College in Ohio.

“When you study climate change, it is easy to get depressed,” Orr said. “However, [you] can downscale problems through a manageable level.” LIVE: Wake Up, Green Building, And Smell the Politics by Paula Melton on 03/10/2011
Apparently [David Orr is] part of a group that has been talking to the Pentagon about the national security implications of climate change, and the overlap between sustainability and passive survivability. He showed them his plan for the Oberlin College campus, and the off-campus "green arts block" that integrates the school with the "typical rustbelt downtown" (a description this Ohio native finds rather amusing for what we considered a hippie stronghold) that is Oberlin proper.

You'll never guess what the Pentagon said: that they hoped to see one of these "national security network" sites in every congressional district in the country. Orr seemed to relish the idea of planning the next national security network site in John Boehner's district. He roused the crowd with a call for "our own version of the Tea Party movement--one powered not by bullsh*t but by sunlight."

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