Monday, June 06, 2011

James Hansen’s Storm in a Teacup | Scoop News
Climate change will be “the predominant moral issue of the 21st century”, declared NASA scientist Dr. James Hansen, “comparable to Nazism faced by Churchill in the 20th century and slavery faced by Lincoln in the 19th century.”

Excuse me for laughing.
But the impression I get from this apparent lack of interest by mainstream news media is that they are finally waking up to the fact that no one cares or believes it anymore. Nearly every public opinion poll indicates widespread scepticism where the alarmists are heavily outnumbered by the sceptics.

That just leaves the truly dedicated high-flyers like Hansen, Flannery, Gore and their mates, plus a few politicians and prominent scientists who have either stuck their necks out on the issue and fear having to admit they’ve backed the wrong horse, or whose income depends on perpetuating the myth. No one else gives a damn. They have trapped themselves in a mythical world of their own making. But one thing is for sure, these guys would be great as stand-up comedians.
Apocalyptic alarmists usually have self interests at heart - COLE - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO
When a general is asked if the army should play a smaller role on the world stage, it’s hardly surprising when he demurs. A similar analysis applies to climate change experts. In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change called global warming “unequivocal” and human activity “very likely” its main cause. Observers reacted as if modernity’s high priest had uttered some unassailably objective truth, but climate scientists are actually the most biased players in the game. “You thought climate studies were dull,” I can hear them saying. “Well guess what? Not only is our academic discipline super cool, it’s central to the future not only of mankind, but of Planet Earth.”

As with Oxfam and Bush’s generals, I’m not accusing anybody of dishonesty, or even of being wrong. I’m simply observing that, given certain assumptions about human behavior, such “impartial” claims are predictable, and therefore suspect.

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