Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Breaking: Global warming much better for gray whales than global cooling

Gray whales likely survived the Ice Ages by changing their diets
( -- Gray whales survived many cycles of global cooling and warming over the past few million years, likely by exploiting a more varied diet than they do today, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, and Smithsonian Institution paleontologists.
They concluded that populations would have had to have alternative feeding modes sufficient to support a population of around 70,000 during warm periods so that population drops during glacial periods wouldn't be below 5,000-10,000 whales.

1 comment:

greenday said...

While talking about global warming we tend to avoid discussing few major causes of Global Warming.

Everyday new research papers are out and new stories are told about "Global Warming".

I happened to watch this documentar­y "Meat The Truth" in online film festival "Green Unplugged" this documentar­y made me aware of few other things about global Warming which I never thought would be contributi­ng so much towards it

I would suggest everyone to watch this documentar­y.