Tuesday, July 05, 2011

David "Climate Nuremberg" Roberts: "The problem with the left's message on energy is that the left has no message on energy. It has a bunch of messages, mostly muddled and half-ass messages, many of which contradict one another"

Bachmann: Energy is ‘the most easy problem for America to solve’ | Grist
The problem with the left's message on energy is that the left has no message on energy. It has a bunch of messages, mostly muddled and half-ass messages, many of which contradict one another. Lacking any clear alternative, most Americans still draw their understanding of the green message from the collective cultural unconscious: it promises difficulty and sacrifice. The problem is hard. The solution is hard. It's going to cost more. It's probably going to involve giving up light bulbs and SUVs and living in tiny houses. It might not even work.

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