Friday, July 22, 2011

EDITORIAL: The left's brilliant lie - Washington Times
Liberals want to take away your light bulbs, pickup trucks and family sedans, but they aren’t honest enough to admit it. On the House floor last week, Democrats insisted regulations prohibiting the sale of cheap sources of illumination beginning in January are about increasing consumer choice. Likewise, the Obama administration’s forthcoming 56-mile-per-gallon fuel-efficiency mandate for automakers is supposedly a boon for consumers.
George Orwell warned of such linguistic tricks, which he called “newspeak.” He saw socialists abusing language to change the public’s thought patterns. Such is the case when pulling cheap light bulbs off the shelf isn’t a ban and prohibiting the sale of large pickup trucks becomes a choice. As debt-ceiling negotiations proceed and members of Congress look for places to cut spending, they ought to zero out the “standards” divisions at the Energy Department and Environmental Protection Agency.
SCANLON: Greens go for the gold, leave us in the red - Washington Times
Enviros make bank off schemes that would leave world bankrupt
C3: In Canada, The 1936 Heat Wave Killed 780 - Worst Death Toll From Any Canadian Weather Incident
The heat wave of 1936 killed more Canadians than any other single weather event. About 780 people - mostly the elderly or infants - died because of it...Nearly 600 of the Canadian deaths were in Ontario, including more than 225 in Toronto alone...The heat contributed indirectly to the deaths of a further 400 Canadians, including weak swimmers who drowned seeking relief in the water. Others died in traffic accidents triggered by asphalt made slick and slippery by the baking sun.

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