Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Global warming or new ice age: YOU'RE paying for our politicians' hysteria | Mail Online
We are also committed to meet an EU target that, within a mere nine years, we must generate a third of our electricity from 'renewables' — mainly by spending £200 billion on building thousands more windmills so useless that, last weekend, they could produce only half a per cent of the power we actually needed.

As our politicians continually impose on us ever higher taxes and other costs supposedly in the cause of 'fighting climate change' — costs that have already helped to increase every family's energy bills by an average £200 a year — they have been carried away by a collective fantasy that has no parallel in history.

And all this is happening in the name of a theory so fraudulent that the same people who told us the world is about to fry unless we close down all those power stations are now telling us the same power stations may be heading us into a new ice age.

Truly, the lunatics have taken over the asylum. And short of some massive injection of common sense from the British people, it seems the rest of us are condemned to live in it.
Now China’s pollution being blamed for lack of predicted warming | ScottishSceptic
For years I’ve been saying that one likely reason for the apparent rise in temperatures after the 1970s was the introduction of anti-pollution measures in the 1970s.
The Reference Frame: Did Chinese coal cause the cooling since 1998?
Even if this explanation were qualitatively OK, it still shows how incredibly shaky the contemporary would-be "mainstream" opinions about the climate drivers are. Suddenly, an old Gentleman who watches Fox News is the primary cause of a paper that explains away a whole decade of warming by a previously neglected mechanism.
I am talking about these things jokingly because the idea that the warming predictions failed because of the Chinese coal is just a random guess, one among hundreds of possible explanations. A much more reasonable explanation is that no warming should have been expected in the first place. And there are dozens of other major possible causes of warming and cooling episodes, from various ocean cycles to the solar activity as well as random weather fluctuations, that may be responsible for the dynamics of temperatures in the last 10 years - or any other 10 years.

Why don't those people honestly admit that they simply have no clue what was happening since 1998 and what will be happening before 2020, 2030, or 2100? Even if they don't admit it, the constantly changing explanations are enough for everyone else to see that they don't have a clue and they're often deliberately lying.

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