Friday, July 01, 2011

Libs Recycle Warmed Over Tactic to Push Their Climate Change Hoax
SELIGMANN: If there was a 1% chance (pause) that the plane you were getting into this morning (pause) to fly here (pause) was gonna crash (pause) would you get on that plane? (dramatic pause) The answer is always no.

ROSE: Right.

SELIGMANN: Okay. So let's assume that there's only a 20% chance that climate change science is right. (pause) Do you take the risk of not responding to it?

RUSH: You know, that's the argument these people have been using for decades. the way, if there was a 1% chance that that plane you were getting into this morning was gonna fly here was gonna crash, would you get on it? People do every day. People get on every day. There is a percentage that an airplane is gonna crash, and people get on 'em every day. Make no mistake about it.
What if there's a 100% chance that the alarmists are wrong, a 99.99% chance that lots more CO2 and a few degrees of warming would be beneficial for life on Earth, and a 100% chance that wise fossil fuel use is crucial to lifting the world's poorest people from a life that can be nasty, brutish, and short?   Do you take the risk of NOT wisely using plenty of fossil fuel resources?

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