Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MPs inquiry into Met Office - Telegraph
The Met Office withdrew its long-term forecasts last March after predicting a "barbecue summer" which turned into a washout and a "mild winter" which turned in the Big Freeze in 2009.

It was also criticised for not giving a warning for the exceptionally cold start to winter in 2010.

Critics believe it has exaggerated the threat of global warming, although the predictions are backed up by world science and peer-reviewed journals.

The forecaster has a budget of £190 million and recently spent £30 million on a new “super computer” to enhance accuracy of its predictions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use a pine cone,it's 50% accurate and i found it on the ground.
A supercomputer is of little use if the interpreters are warmist biased,it's going to get colder,no warmer,no....