Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bill Clinton: Outside the US, people allegedly believe in the global warming hoax

Bill Clinton: U.S. "Looks Like A Joke" For Questioning Climate Change Science
(RTTNews) - World leaders should face up to the potentially devestating impact of climate change, heads of state from around the globe told former U.S. President Bill Clinton Tuesday in New York City.

The climate agenda is also an economic development agenda, said Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission. Science is allied with public opinion around the world, Clinton agreed, pointing out that green technology generates jobs.
CLinton expressed embarrassment that the U.S. does not do more to advance the fight against climate change. "We look like a joke! You can't win the nomination of a major political party in the U.S. unless you deny science?!" he asked.


Anonymous said...

C'mon . . . this is Sick Willy talking here.

Anyone who thinks a having a young girl with a liplock on his winky isn't engaged in sex is the kind of person who would fall for the Great Hairy Scary Global Warming We Are All Gonna Die scam.

Anonymous said...

I love it when a guy who has devoted his life to the field of public policy tries to lecture people who have spent their lives in science-based fields that they are denying science. What does THAT tell you about climate science debate?