Monday, September 26, 2011

Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby: "global-warming alarmism is not science at all...impeccable scientific standards can go hand-in-hand with skepticism about global warming"

Climate skeptics don't 'deny science' :: Jeff Jacoby
In truth, global-warming alarmism is not science at all -- not in the way that electromagnetic radiation or the laws of planetary motion or molecular biology is science. Catastrophic climate change is an interpretation of certain scientific data, an interpretation based on theories about the causes and effects of growing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is not "denying science" to have doubts about the correctness of that interpretation any more than it is "denying economics" to have doubts about the efficacy of Kenyesian pump-priming.

You don't have to look far to see that impeccable scientific standards can go hand-in-hand with skepticism about global warming.

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