Avoiding Global Warming Stories : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR
...why does this subject make me instantly tired?...Robert Krulwich : NPR
The question, of course, is why. And here there are a great clump of possible causes: it's the sun's fault; it's some complex cycle of sun/planets and orbital paths; it's coal, it's methane, it's smokestacks; it's us — this vast, increasingly citified, increasingly prosperous blob of humans trying, sloppily, to make a better life for ourselves and our kids and in the process, making the atmosphere warmer.
The true explanation may be some of those. It's probably all of them. And without getting too particular about which is the preeminent one, if the "us" cause is a plausible contributor (and I think it is), then as reasonable people, we should be able to change our behavior to reduce our contribution. But for some reason, reasonable people have been missing in this discussion.
Robert Krulwich is a correspondent for NPR's Science Desk
1 comment:
For us to change, it isn't that big of a deal, except that (as you note), there aren't any reasonable, rational people making noise.
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