Sunday, September 25, 2011

Krugman Compares Solyndra to - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
The point isn’t that the private sector doesn’t ever invest in failed ventures, it’s that the government shouldn’t be playing venture capitalist with taxpayer funds.

On top of that, the Obama DOE missed every red flag about Solyndra and still put our money into it.
1939 Deja Vu : Global Warming – Scientists Argue Whether It Is Caused By CO2 Or The Sun | Real Science
CO2 increased by only 10 ppm between 1910 and 1939, but the Arctic warmed by 16 degrees. At that rate, it should be hotter than Libya now.
Question #2 For Climate Imbeciles | Real Science
If long-standing communities in the Himalayas and the Andes depend on melting glaciers for their drinking water, what does that tell you about the history of glacial melt in those regions?
Arctic Gaining 1100 Manhattans Of Sea Ice Per Year Since 2007 | Real Science
The climate science fantasy world claims that Arctic ice continues its decline since 2007, when in fact there is no evidence to support this.
A Sherpa's View of the Melting of the Himalayan Glaciers -
"The reason the ice melts is that many people go up there, they throw the garbage and make the environment dirty," he says. He has seen the glaciers recede before his eyes.

Kancha Sherpa has heard of global warming. Most in this town have, thanks to workshops sponsored by the government and various nonprofit groups. But his Buddhist beliefs are strong, so he's skeptical of any emission-caused event that might create such a dramatic change. He explains that the melting is more likely caused by the gods angered at the large number of yaks killed for food in the mountains and the number of people trampling the sacred ground.

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