Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Common Thread: The Consistent Environmental Push for More Government - YouTube
Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women of America, hits the nail on the head: environmentalist solutions to problems are always government mandates. If climate change were catastrophic and anthropogenic it would still be kinder and gentler to use private resources and education to progress the message. Nevertheless environmentalists look to global treaties and mandatory levies to accomplish their goals of saving mankind from itself. If need be, rights become privileges to ensure 'utilitarian happiness.'
NYFF 2011: 4:44 Last Day on Earth | The Measure
Cisco and Skye are a May-October couple facing the end of the world (“Al Gore was right,” as a newscaster on their big flat-screen TV puts it) in a fashionably artsy downtown loft.
Canada's climate change goals falling short - Technology & Science - CBC News
Vaughan said the government's current climate change plan lacks the "tools and management systems needed to achieve, measure and report emission reductions." The plan is made up of at least 35 different programs and they are "disjointed, confused, non-transparent," he said.
'Let's commit suicide more slowly,' suggests Osborne – Telegraph Blogs
The Chancellor's statement, though unambitious to the point of pathetic, girlie, milksop wussiness, will of course be viewed as dangerously extreme by his Climate and Energy Secretary Chris Huhne. This is because Huhne lives on another planet entirely; a planet where black is white, where suicide is not merely painless but the key to a bright new future, and where rising energy bills will make us all richer:

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