Attention climate wonks: you can’t take the politics out of politics | Grist
For the most part, those who strongly support climate action do not do so because they've been rationally persuaded; in fact, they tend to be quite ignorant of the scientific details. People who reject climate science tend to know the most about it, because they're motivated to learn about it in order to reject it...It is not the opinions of the reasonable nonpartisan masses but intensity and money that win in politics. That's why a relatively small group of hardcore anti-clean energy climate skeptics in the right-wing base has exercised effective veto power over American climate policy: they have the intensity and they're backed by money.
So where's my money?
What his comment really boils down to is that intelligent people recognize the (obvious and) eggregious flaws in the CAGW theory.
Fascinating. Those who have the most knowledge have the veto power over policy? Sounds good to me, but Roberts doesn't even manage to connect the dots between his admission and subsequent complaint.
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