Thursday, November 17, 2011

Climate Common Sense: Nut-cases in Ivory Towers

Energy is, after food and water the most basic necessity of a modern society and is by it's very nature a vital strategic resource. This is why the continued promotion of Desertec by the sinister Club of Rome and various other European academic and bureaucratic bodies borders on the bizarre because it involves siting a major part of Europe's planned power generation in Africa. Aside from the fact that solar power at this level is unproven, the sites for this stupid grandiose scheme is bristling with AK47's wielded by anti-west tribesmen who would like nothing better than to blow up a solar generator or powerline or anything else the infidels have constructed on their turf. The engineering problems with operating the remaining undestroyed reflective solar focussing systems in areas of sand and dust-storms reliably would be insurmountable and incredibly expensive. The recent example of Russia turning off power to re-calcitrant neighbouring states is a lesson these ideologically-driven dodos seem not to have learnt. With the advent of coal seam gas the whole energy equation has changed and many countries now have enormous energy reserves under their feet to the chagrin of the hair-shirted greens trying to destroy our energy-based society and return us to living in ecologically sustainable caves! CSG undercuts even the feeble justification for this monumental waste of public funds.This project is promoted by the same bunch of whackos behind the waste of billions of dollars un-successfully trying to store a harmless,beneficial gas underground which even non-technical observers intuitively understood was not going to work!

Kassie Siegel: One Critical Reason to Cut Global Warming Pollution Now: The Amazing Polar Bear

Increasingly, individual bears are starving as the Arctic rapidly just so happens that the deep and rapid emission reductions needed to save the bears are the same reductions necessary to avoid the most catastrophic outcomes for the rest of the world too.

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