Thursday, November 24, 2011

Der Spiegel On Climategate 2.0. Black On White Proof Not Enough

At least give Der Spiegel credit for bringing up the story and for linking to the hacked e-mails – though not many Germans are going to read them.

What would it take for the media to take this widespread crime seriously? The lies, cover-ups, and deceit are right there in back and white. What more do you need? Tax authorities, for example, throw people in prison based on a lot less.

Thanks, Der Spiegel.

IPCC : Global Warming Affecting Computer Hard Drives | Real Science

“We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest. Phil….” | Real Science

Kevin Caught Telling The Big Lie To The Press | Real Science

The Reference Frame: Google's renewable energy is sunsetting

Even though the last item was the most unsuccessful one and you have probably never heard that Google had its own Green Czar who was behind it (and you have probably never seen the web page), so its demise is seemingly a negligible event, the retirement of this item may still be most far-reaching outside the computer industry because it shows that the commercial sector including the biggest players is abandoning the renewable energy bandwagon, the most widespread and arrogant fad of the first decade of the 21st century. Of course, Google is saying "we leave it to others who are more skillful in this business" and that's why we fired the Green Czar, Mr Weihl. But the important thing is that various parasitic local green czars start to be fired instead of being treated as holy cows.

- Bishop Hill blog - Jones and the absence of snow

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Ignorance is Bliss

I don't expect to spend much further time on the latest batch of UEA emails, though from what I've seen there is plenty to keep interested parties busy for a while (and further serious problems for individual climate scientists). I cannot understand how anyone can still think that the IPCC does not need major reform, beginning with a comprehensive and immediate implementation of the recommendations of the IAC. Yet, there are apparently plenty of people in the media, in science and of course on blogs who argue (unconvincingly) that there are absolutely no problems whatsoever in institutions of climate science. Ignorance is indeed bliss.

...So if one wishes to understand the dynamics behind where the IPCC went off course, my advice is to look a bit less in the direction of big-time climate politics (though there is that), and more in the direction of petty academic politics.  How petty academic politics came to play a notable role in big-time climate politics through institutions of science is an overlooked aspect of the institutional failure of the IPCC, and a key part of the story revealed by the emails.

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